Air Quality Historical Data Platform
Institution & University Registration


Since the begining, the World Air Quality Index (WAQI) project team has always been keen on providing a transparent Air Qualitty Infomration to the world citizens.
The WAQI project has also always been keen on providing historical Air Quality Data to relevant institutions and organizations working in the area of environmental awareness, air quality monitoring, as well as health and epidemiological studies. Here are few of our partners and colleagues to which we have been providing historical air quality data information:

United Framework

In order to make the historical Air Quality Data dissemination even more relevant, the World Air Quality Index team has been investigating with the most relevant international institutions the possibility to setup an open data framework. Here are fews of the institutions we have engaged:

  • WHO - World Health Organization
  • UNEP - United Nation Environmental Program
  • UNIDO - United Nation Industrial Development Organization
  • WMO - World Meteorological Organization
  • GEO - Group on Earth Observations
  • WRI - World Resource Institute
  • CCA - Climate & Clean Air Coalition

The open data framework objective is to provide unlimited and free access the world historical and real-time Air Quality data from the 100+ countries covered on Everyone - both institutions as well as citizens - agrees that this is not only a good idea, but that it should *just* happen.

Free Downloadable Database

Database Download
The daily average air quality data for all of the stations can be downloaded freely from the form below. Note that all the figures are converted to AQI using the US EPA standard: i.e. we do not publish the raw concentrations, but only the AQI.



The Air Quality data is currently only available for the past 7 years, from 2014 until now. If you need data before this period, we recommend to either contact the originating EPA, or consider using estimates based on remote sensing data (WHO).

In the above data, we publish the "Individual pollutant" Air Quality index. For instance, if you check the figures for PM2.5, they correspond to the PM2.5 individual AQI (noted as AQIPM2.5). If you want to calculate the overall AQI, aka composite AQI, you need to take the maximum of all individual AQI:

AQI = max( AQIPM2.5, AQIPM10, AQIO3, ...)

Last if you need the real-time data instead, try the API page. It's free too!

Inquiry & Registration

If the above data does not work for you, and you are from an international institution, organization or university you can register your interest with the form below. Note that this registration is only at intent level, for us to consolidate the list of all interested parties, and does not bound you, nor the world air quality index project, to any obligations.

Institution & University Registration - subscription form

Your information

Enter your name - eg "John Doe"
Enter your email address - eg ""
Enter your organization - eg "Harvard Business School"
Enter your position - eg "Student, Researcher, Head"

Data information

Data Period - eg "June 2018" to "August 2018"
Data Frequency - eg "Daily"
Enter the name of the stations you need the data for - eg "Beijing"

Tell us a bit more

Write few words about your request - eg: "I would like to get the daily max AQI for Berlin for Winter 2014", "I would like to know the hourly concentration of SO2 for Civil Lines in Delhi on June 18th 2015", "I would like to support your project and give you hand", ..

Contributing to the Project

The World Air Quality project might look like one of those projects comming from big organizations... but it is actually a small team behind it.

Despite its expensive outreach, the project has never received any financial support or fundings from any of the above world institutions, nor from any government or NGO.

The limited income is based on advertising, and is mainly used to cover the infrastructure and hardware cost.

Rather than asking for money, we prefer asking for contributors who can help with their time, for instance to develop this open data platform. We are looking for scientists, engineers, environmental specialists, writers, researchers... Check the contribute page for more info.

Heart handshake

Data Credits

The open data framework would not be possible without the work from the worldwide EPA, which should get the credits for their monitoring programs.



指数 大気質指数の分類(米国) 健康影響 / カテゴリ 粒子状物質(PM10,PM2.5)
0 - 50 良い - Good 通常の活動が可能 なし
51 -100 並 - Moderate 特に敏感な者は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動の減少を検討 非常に敏感な人は、長時間または激しい活動を減らすよう検討する必要がある。
101-150 敏感なグループにとっては健康に良くない - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups 心臓・肺疾患患者、高齢者及び子供は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動を減少 心疾患や肺疾患を持つ人、高齢者、子供は、長時間または激しい活動を減らす必要がある。
151-200 健康に良くない - Unhealthy 上記の者は、長時間又は激しい屋外活動を中止
201-300 極めて健康に良くない - Very Unhealthy 上記の者は、すべての屋外活動を中止
300+ 危険 - Hazardous 上記の者は、屋内に留まり、体力消耗を避ける
(Reference: see wikipedia, and


北京在住の医師Richard Saint Cyr氏による大変役に立つ健康上のアドバイスは、 をご覧ください。

使用上の注意: すべての大気質データは公開時点では妥当性が担保されていないため、これらのデータは予告なしに修正することがあります。 世界大気質指数プロジェクトは、この情報の内容を編集に最善の注意を尽くしておりますが、いかなる状況においても World Air Quality Index プロジェクトチームまたはそのエージェントは、このデータの供給によって直接的または間接的に生じる損失や損害について責任を負いません。



Temperature unit: