The row below the Air Quality forecast shows the wind speed (in meters per second) and wind direction.
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The detailled forecast analysis is also availalbe for other cities: Or just pick any of those cities: 베이징, 상하이, 청두, 심양, 선전 시, 광둥, 청도, 시안, 천진, 사이타마, 교토 시, 오사카 시, 서울특별시, 부산광역시, 보고타, 델리, 자카르타, Ulaanbaatar, 하노이, 첸나이, 콜카타, 뭄바이, Hyderabad, 산티아고, 리마, 상파울루, 싱가포르, 쿠알라 룸푸르, 이포, Perai, 미리, 뉴욕, Seattle, 시카고, 보스턴, Atlanta.
For other cities, countries or pollutants, please refer to the world air quality forecast.
For other cities, countries or pollutants, please refer to the world air quality forecast.