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市场上有很多预防空气污染的口罩(Totobobo, Respro, Vogmask, 3M N95 ...)可以选择. 这些是我们相信的:

3M™ N95 Respirators

The most common and affordable mask are known that the 3M N95 masks (picture above is for the 3M 9501 model). Despite beeing very affordable (5 to 6 RMB a piece), the 3M N95 are always among the top performing masks for Particulate Matter (i.e. PM2.5 Air Pollution). One of the great advantage for the 9501 model is to be foldable, so that you can always take one with you without it taking much space. And if you forgot to take One, you can also get this mask from any convinience store in China (like 7-Eleven).

The "N95" label stands for the mask ability to filter out at least 95% of airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns (for reference, PM2.5 particules are 2.5 microns). From all the test result, N95 is good enough for filtering most of the PM2.5 particules, but sensitive persons can consider using N99 version of those masks (N99 stands for filterig more the 99% of airborne particles). Note that a similar mask, with model number 9001 is also commonly available and corresponds to N90 filtration standard.

Note that to be really efficient, those masks should be used and worn properly to ensure a good "fit" with the face. You can refer to this page from Singapore goverment from a simple but good explanation on wearing N95 masks.


3M™ Aura™ Particulate Respirators

For those with a bit more budget and still interrested in the 3M masks, the Aura™ 93xx series is a very good option. The cost is a bit higher (33 RMB for 1 piece for the premimum 9332 model, while it is 29 RMB for 5 pcs for the previous 9501).

Half of the models (93x2) come with an exhaust valve (branded as Cool Flow™), which offers improved comfort, especially for those having difficulty to breath comfortably while wearing the masks. There are also 3 levels of filtration performance (FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3). The N95 standard is almost similar to FFP2 and the N99 to FFP3 ( see wikipedia for the full explanation).



Totobobo™ Hightech Anti-Pollution Masks

Totobobo™ is a professional Singapore company manufacturing their own masks since 2003. There design and concept is really unique, making it very useful for those on the move.

There has been some recent studies showing that totobobo fit test does not perform as well as other brands: When wearing a mask (even the 3M N95), fit molding is an essential step to ensure that there are no unfiltered air flow. And this fit moudling is both the strength and weakness of totobo. On one side, totobo has a unique heat moudling solution - that no other mask have, but if this step is not done corretly, then the fit test won't be good. For more information, check totobobo's blog


Respro® Pollution Masks

The Respro® Masks have been on the market for many years, and are especially suitable in the "urban sports environment", i.e. when biking in the city and having to get through heavy traffic where cars are the source of pollution (especially those diesel cars...).

The mask come with two valves for an easier breathing, as well as with replacable filters. The filter life span is said to be 69 hours, so assuming that you bike 1 hour every day, that's 3 month use for one filter - not so bad.

The mask itself is made of Neoprene, which has the advantage of being resiliently stretchable, as well as beeing adaptable to varying facial features, thus ensuring a good sealing around the face - and therefore a good "fit".


Vogmask™ N99 CV (Carbon Layer / Exhaust Valve)

Last, but not the least, Vogmask™ is a trendy mask. From a filtration point of view, it uses microfiber filtration fabric to provide an N99 rating. Half of the models come with a valve, similar to the 3M Cool Flow, for improved comfort.


For more information about other masks and test result, you can refer to the Doctor Richard Saint Cyr's blog: my health beijing. myhealthbeijing.com.

Greenpeace: PM2.5 is a measurement of small particulate matter in the air, and until recently its omission from official air quality readings has been a major hurdle in solving China


本網站採用的污染指數和顏色與EPA是完全相同的。 EPA的指數可以從 AirNow上查到

空气质量指数 空气质量指数级别(状况)及表示颜色 对健康影响情况 建议采取的措施
0 - 50 一级(优) 空气质量令人满意,基本无空气污染 各类人群可正常活动
51 -100 二级(良) 空气质量可接受,但某些污染物可能对极少数异常敏感人群健康有较弱影响 极少数异常敏感人群应减少户外活动
101-150 三级(轻度污染) 易感人群症状有轻度加剧,健康人群出现刺激症状 儿童、老年人及心脏病、呼吸系统疾病患者应减少长时间、高强度的户外锻炼
151-200 四级(中度污染) 进一步加剧易感人群症状,可能对健康人群心脏、呼吸系统有影响 儿童、老年人及心脏病、呼吸系统疾病患者避免长时间、高强度的户外锻炼,一般人群适量减少户外运动
201-300 五级(重度污染) 心脏病和肺病患者症状显著加剧,运动耐受力降低,健康人群普遍出现症状 儿童、老年人及心脏病、肺病患者应停留在室内,停止户外运动,一般人群减少户外运动
300+ 六级(严重污染) 健康人群运动耐受力降低,有明显强烈症状,提前出现某些疾病 儿童、老年人和病人应停留在室内,避免体力消耗,一般人群避免户外活动
(参考详见 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/空气质量指数)

如果你想了解更多有關空氣質量與污染,詳見維基百科或者 AirNow

有關健康建議詳​​見北京的Richard Saint Cyr MD醫生的博客:www.myhealthbeijing.com

注意事項: 所有空氣品質數據在發佈時均未經驗證,且為了確保資料準確性,這些數據可能隨時被修改,恕不另行通知。 世界空氣品質指數專案在編制這些訊息內容時已經謹慎的運用了所有適當的技巧,在任何情況下世界空氣品質指數 在任何情況下,世界空氣品質指數專案團隊或其代理人均不對因提供此數據而直接或間接引起的任何損失、傷害或損害來承擔契約、侵權或其他責任。



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